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Your Friends and Neighbors


     We have a world famous comic drawing with us -Emerson Quillin. And, next to Emerson is Don Clarke -a seasoned comic creator who's stories deal with some of the harsher realities of the elderly, malpractice, busted marriages and so on. Emerson's humor follows the life of socialites and boozers that always have an opinion that seems to be more valuable than anyone else's. We absolutely adore these two men and their content, and they compliment each other. We believe this humor will reach out to everyone, but certainly will be a big part of the "bridge audience" -helping bring in some of the older readers out there. We're looking forward to the notion that everyone will like this magazine from ten years old all the way to 100. Keep an eye on your friends & neighbors -actually, that sounds a little spooky. Maybe just read a great venue in your friends and neighbors.

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