Comics Cloud & OpenComicWare
A very big vision for a very big industry:
The Comic Arts Partnership
A Non-Profit Revolution:
The Comic Arts Partnership (Comic AP) is a non-profit 501(c) 3 organization based out of New York. Its focus is on fostering comic creation and comic creators, as well as establishing a new wave of public media that gets the comic book experience back into the hands of "the every man".
This non-profit organization has been built from scratch as an oversight group that allows for pillar projects to function as non-profit Arts projects within the Comic AP.
The Open Age of Comics
What it Does and How it Works:
"The Open Age of Comics" is the single largest comic movement since the birth of the Underground and is funded by The Comic Arts Partnership -the world's first Non-Profit Arts Organization for Comic Creators. The goal of the magazine you will see is to help artists be seen in one region by 300,000 people in a physical magazine on the street and to replicate this possibility worldwide with tools called "Open ComicWare" (Templates, Design Documents, Testimonies for The Open Age). The Comic Arts Partnership is part of leading this kind of magazine and vision forward with the Open Age of Comics, providing the world's first "Open Source Print Environment for Comic Creators".
Blueprint Saints Magazine
An "Open Age Magazine":
The World's First "Open Age Magazine" -a new revolution in the comic Arts that has the primary
focus of engaging talent in a free publication at 10,000 issues a month in one region. These members are the founders of "The Open Age of Comics" -the single largest comic movement since the birth of the underground. Its goal? Letting artists be seen in one region by 300,000 people in a physical magazine on the street. Welcome to a revolution in comics.
Comic Creators Live (CCLive):
Comic Creators Live is a comic team comprised of 124 comic creators from a single city. This team was recruited across 4 years toward the primary focus of making the publication Blueprint Saints Magazine. It is by far the largest group of comic creators in the state and is an open forum for the experience of creating comics, gallery shows, and workshops and more.