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The Comic Arts Partnership is venturing forward into undiscovered country. It is responsible for fostering local, regional, national and international talent in a variety of ways in the medium of comic Art. As a non-profit charity, the goal of the Comic AP is to give people a chance in creating original works of comic Art as well as encouraging education advancement.


The Board


The Comic Arts Partnership (Comic AP) is a non-profit 501(c) 3 organization based out of New York. Its focus is on fostering comic creation and comic creators, as well as establishing a new wave of public media that gets the comic book experience back into the hands of  "the every man".


This non-profit organization has been built from scratch as an oversight group that allows for pillar projects to function as non-profit Arts projects within the Comic AP.


One of the first projects that will be funded by the Comic Arts Partnership is Blueprint Saints Magazine (the worlds' first Open Age Magazine). The second project that is slated for 2024 is the extension of a live comic creation environment called, Comic Creators Live (as specified in the design document of Blueprint Saints Magazine as of October, 2007).


In addition to many of the programs, grants and awareness campaigns that are a primary goal of the Comic AP, the Comic AP is consistently part of fundraising for R&D in one of the most intimate and freeing technologies that the comic world will ever know - Open ComicWare (a free open source software platform and collaborative environment that functions much like Wikipedia.)


The founding principles of the Comic A.P. are that it is an organization that supports the comic Arts, the comic community, provides educational resources for the public about comics and comic creation, helps foster comic creation and creativity, endorses gallery shows and gives artists a chance around the country to get their work shown in all forms of media.


The Comic Arts Partnership owns none of the intellectual property of anyone involved in any team. It is an organization that funds and supports comic communities around the country, fostering leadership for the next generation in a true Open Source Print Environment -functioing within "The Open Age of Comics". The Comic A.P. will be doing its best to set up scholarships and grants much like the National Endowment for the Arts. It is the organizations privilege to work with a willing and experimental culture of comic creators.


The Comic AP is quite unlike other comic communities. Due to the nature of the Comic AP being a foundation built on the ideals of innovation and reinvention of all the major concepts within Comic Art creation, the Comic AP is uniquely positioned to champion things never before created or seen. Its main goal is to venture forward into undiscovered country within the Comic Arts where few dare to go.


The Comic AP is comprised of high-risk for the leaders of the organization due to the nature of creating avenues for comic Art creation that would otherwise not exist, and a comic world that may or may not embrance many of the new technologies and ideas behind its "Operating System" (or way of doing things). We expect the harshest critics, the deepest cynics, and the "High" and "Low-Art" elitism ideals to be thrown at our team in order to discredit our goals on an intentional level. However, the goals of briging real change to the comic environment has already been proven possible with many of the projects produced through the Comic AP.


We absoultely have no time for any individual or organization that would feel the need to nit-pick at our major projects while trying to rob the chances of a next generation of creators and readers from a real revolution.


The Comic AP does not support any single comic organization or comic label. It functions independently of any city entirely with a worldwide interactive audience -many of whom are working within Open ComicWare in "The Open Age" movement.. Built on the ideal of moving culture with its national and international influence, the Comic AP's major investments are in bringing new culture to city regions like Lexington, KY.


Our organization lives in the spirit of the outright refusal to be treated as black and white, or Marvel and DC. As an Arts organization, we are not part of the "comic war", and we are also not at war with the comic world as a whole. We are not a comic label and won't be. Our goal is to keep the waters clear for the next generation of talent, allowing them the clearest path to independence in the comic world.


Take a look at our first "Open Age Comic Magazine" project that will be funded by the COMIC AP:


This organizations board is made up of 9 members -all with one vote. They are comprised of the following:

1-Chairman of the Board
1-Printing Company Professional
1-Arts Organization Professional
1-Commerce Agent
1-Industry professional
1-Artist voted for from within Blueprint Saints Magazines oversight board
1-Famous Artist


With its many pillar projects, the most significant projects to date are Blueprint Saints Magazine, and Open ComicWare. There are more fun and interesting project in the pipeline now.


You can find out more information here:

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